Thursday, October 10, 2019

Please get your blog posts due tomorrow in NO LATER THAN SUNDAY!

Soft deadlines notwithstanding, this is not a good time to be tardy with your blog posts.  This one is on Connecting The Dots.  For your convenience, the prompt is reproduced below.

Connecting the dots - This is a chance for you to read through your prior posts and then try to answer the following questions: (1) Are the themes from one post that tie into other posts? if so, what are those connections? (2) Aside from addressing the prompt are there ways to connect what you wrote about to course themes? Were there connections that are more obvious to you now than at the time you wrote the post? if so, can you elaborate on that? (3) Has your process for writing these posts evolved? Please explain how that has come about. (4) Now put yourself in the position of writing the prompt (this one or other prompts for future posts). What would you like to see? Can you give some reasons for that.

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