Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Few Oddities (Instead of a Quiz)

Longest Palindrome in English - A palindrome reads the same forward and backward (ignoring the punctuation and capitalizations).

Doc note.  I dissent.  A fast never prevents a fatness.  I diet on cod.

Paul's Law - Very useful for parents with young children.

You can't fall off the floor!

Theorem:  All horses have an infinite number of legs.

Lemma:  All horses have the same color.

Proof of Theorem: Take your average horse. It has two hind legs and forelegs. That makes six legs. Six is an even number, but it's an odd number of legs for a horse. The only other number that is both even and odd is infinity. So a horse has an infinite number of legs. You may say you can find a horse with other than an infinite number of legs. But by the lemma - That must be a horse of a different color.

1 comment:

  1. This was quite fascinating. Incredible what a play on words can do. It's almost like a magic trick in a way, just without slight of hand.
