Monday, December 2, 2019

A few different announcements

Reminder: The last Excel Homework is due this Wednesday evening and is on a modification of the Shapiro-Stiglitz model where the monitoring intensity becomes a choice variable of the firm.  The post on that homework has a link to the Excel file.  That is where you should post questions, if you have any.  Please don't post questions about that homework to this post. 

Reminder 2: The last blog post is due this Friday.  The prompt was given on the Friday before the break.  For your convenience, it is reproduced below.

Note: This is being assigned the Friday before the Thanksgiving break, but the post isn't due until two weeks later. This is the last blog post - You have two options to write to. The first is the prompt I've used last year and in all prior years.  The second is to do a Williamson-like critique on our class based on two governance decisions that were made. One of those decisions was to not require attendance. The other was to allow soft deadlines. 

 1. The traditional final prompt: This is the last post to be done for the course. I'd like it to be both a review and a critique. Can you offer up some lessons learned from the course about Organizations that you didn't have already going in? What about the pedagogic approach we took with the way the live class was structured and the online blogging. Are there any take aways from that? Please spend a bit of time talking about your process for doing the blogging and the Excel homework -including the preparation you do and how long it all takes. Finally, talk about things you would have liked to see in the course but didn't or ways the approach might be improved. 

 2. Williamson-like critique The two rules to focus on are: (a) that attendance was not required and (b) that deadlines were soft. Please describe how those rules impacted your own behavior. Then consider how the rules impacted the class as a whole. Finally, if you were to recommend changes in the approach, how would you modify these rules to produce better outcomes?

Last Moodle Quiz:  The final exam schedule for our class is below. 

So I've scheduled the last quiz in Moodle to include the scheduled time within the 36 hours that the quiz will be available.  It will open at 9 AM on Monday, 12/16, and close at 9 PM on Tuesday, 12/17.  

As I write this the campus wireless is down, but Moodle is up.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there will be no technology issue then.

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