Monday, November 25, 2019

Has anyone in the class seen, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood?

If you have seen it (a description is here) I wonder whether you liked it and, if so, why.  I'd also be interested to know if you watched Mr. Rogers at all when you were a kid. 

This past weekend I've read several pieces that are related.  In the New York Times Magazine there was a long piece about The Mr. Rogers No One Saw.  Within that piece there is a link to another Magazine piece about Tom Hanks, who plays Mr. Rogers in the movie.  Apparently, Tom Hanks is a really good guy, off the screen as well as on it.  The article is called, This Tom Hanks Story Will Help You Feel Less Bad.   The there is the article from 1998 in Esquire Magazine on which the movie is based called Can You Say...Hero?   I'm guessing this is getting such a splash now because people are desperate for some good news.  I did find it heartwarming to read these pieces. 


  1. I did watch this movie! I watched Mr.Rogers as a kid, and it helped young me be distracted in a wholesome way from a lot of negativity in my life. I went into the movie not having seen the trailer, so I was a bit nervous about how it would impact those childhood memories I cherish. Thankfully the movie served to only make me more emotional and happy about the whole show.

    I liked the "because people are desperate for some good news" bit. The internet has allowed people to be truly aware of all the despair around the world. As someone who wholeheartedly believes that ignorance is bliss, I still must admit that it is almost a social obligation to be conscious of the events going on. In such a time, it is nice to be able to escape into nicer, warmer things.

    1. I saw it on Friday with my family. It was a real tearjerker. I cried several times during the movie. My kids didn't watch Mr. Rogers much if at all when they were young. I don't recall why, but they didn't.
